What can be done about biting during breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a natural way of feeding which also helps with forming a bond between you and your baby. Plus it provides comfort and reassurance for your little one.

This is a painless process but it can take a bit of time and practice to become used to doing so. And just when you think you have cracked it your baby starts teething.

Don't stop breastfeeding during this time. Your baby can continue to suckle even though his/her teeth are pushing through but there is always the chance that he or she will bite as well. Many babies do this as it helps to ease the pain of their sore gums but it isn't very pleasant for the mother.

There are babies that bite during feeding, others which bite at the end and then there are those who do so because they are trying out their newly emerging teeth.

If your baby bites you whilst feeding then be careful if you take him/her off the breast as this may deter him or her in the future. Plus doing so can cause a sore breast as well. So, try and stop him/her by saying 'no' in a firm voice but do not shout. Take him or her off your breast so that he/she associates this removal with biting.

You can try placing your finger in his or her mouth as soon as you notice any biting so that he/she will bite this instead of your breast. The idea is to teach him that this is unacceptable behaviour but feeding will continue once he or she stops biting.

What you want to avoid is your baby becoming frightened by your reaction so that he or she stops feeding altogether. This 'breastfeeding strike' can mean your baby missing out on vital nutrients which are needed for their health and development.

Encourage your baby back onto the breast by expressing your breast milk by hand or use a manual pump if necessary. Have plenty of close contact between the two of you and do this in a quiet space at home. Re-introduce your baby back to your breast.

If this fails to work then seek advice from your GP or health visitor.